This is a emulated version of SNK's "King of Fighters '97," a classic fighting game.
For the uninitiated, this series has you playing as one of nine three-man teams of fighters. Last team standing wins!
'97 is the fourth game in the King of Fighters franchise and features many of the favorite character teams you may remember from previous installments of this franchise and other SNK titles. '97 also tweaks the gameplay by giving players two different styles of play after they each select their team of heroes.
- Advanced mode works like KOF '96 but your power gauge only fills when hitting the opponent or doing special moves. The gauge can fill up to three times and a single stock can be used to unleash a Super Special Move or receive a temporary buff to performance, known as "MAX mode." Lastly you have a evasive roll maneuver.
- Extra mode plays like the first two titles and charges the power gauge through defensive play. While MAX mode is achieved by completely filling the gauge, players can only unleash Super Specials when in that state or at critical health. Lastly, you have a sidestep instead of an evasive roll.