PlayStation Mobile for Android allows instant access to PlayStation 4 menus and features from anywhere. Downloading and installation are both quick and easy. Once installed on your Android phone or tablet, you simply need to sync the software to your PlayStation account. You will then be able to navigate through menus and even access and shop from the PlayStation Store.
One of the benefits of this software is that is makes typing easier. Typing in menus or while searching for a game to download can be a hassle with the standard PS4 controllers. You have to slowly move the cursor from one letter to the next. With PlayStation Mobile, you can turn your Android device into a second screen and quickly type with your virtual keyboard.
This app also makes communicating easier if you wish to text chat with friends on the PlayStation Network. You can check your game stats, trophies and other information from anywhere. Whether you use this application as a second screen, for a typing interface or for remote access, it is sure to increase your enjoyment of the PlayStation 4 console.