Mi Fit is a useful free health and fitness app that is designed to allow users to track their habits. The habits users log in the app are then compiled into useful reports to help said users monitor and change their daily habits.
Users are able to track both sleep and fitness habits, providing a well-rounded analysis of the user's overall health. This app allows users to take control of their daily habits, pushing them forward into a healthier and happier lifestyle.
Users are able to set reminders, though unfortunately the alarm function was dropped. The app also requires you to create an account, though this is helpful for keeping track of one's progress. By tracking one's daily habits, users are able to notice trends and make changes where necessary. All too often are bad habits left unnoticed, having detrimental effects on one's health. This app allows users to notice these trends, allowing them to live their healthiest life possible.
This app is free and easy to use. Mi Fit is available for download on your mobile device or tablet, making it easy to track on the go. Users can track a variety of health stats while getting custom notifications. Users can customize what they'd like to see and how they'd like to see it, giving them total control over their health and what they track.
Mi Fit is overall a well-rounded fitness and health tracking app that allows users to take note of a variety of different stats. The app is easy to download, and once an account is created, provides a comprehensive way to track daily habits like sleep, exercise, food, and more. This allows each user to have complete control over their health and how they manage it as well. For those looking to get or stay healthy, Mi Fit is a good option to consider.