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U-Dictionary APK is a free language reference tool for Android and iPhone devices


U-Dictionary APK is a free language reference tool for Android devices. It provides online and offline access to thousands of commonly used words and phrases and their definitions. Information is presented in an easy-to-digest format that includes associated pictures and videos, contextual details and audio pronunciation examples. It also offers two-language translations for over 100 languages. Users can even cross-reference the information they find against other online sources, including Collins Dictionary, Oxford Dictionary, WordNet and Wikipedia.

Some features aren't available offline, such as audio pronunciations. Additionally, if users want translations, they need enough storage space on their Android device to download relevant features. That said, this free app is worth downloading:

U-Dictionary has a lot of special features that make it the perfect on-the-go reference source. It supports over 40 offline dictionary packages and over 50 offline translation ones. It offers authentic pronunciation guidance and native examples for different geographic regions. Users can take advantage of the app's translation tools in other apps like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp. Translations are available based on text, audio recordings and camera images. It allows users to test their word and phrase usage and related knowledge by playing grammar games and completing relevant quiz-style tests. It can even display words on the lock screen for vocabulary improvement.

Youdao Hong Kong Limited

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