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Starmaker allows the user to record themselves singing over a song and to add a corresponding video


Starmaker allows the user to record themselves singing over a song and to add a corresponding video. It is easy to use.

Have you ever wanted to be able to record yourself singing to a great song? If so, then you should consider getting the Starmaker app. Once you've done your performance, then the app allows you to tweak your recording and to use different filters to get it to sound just the way you want.

Many songs to choose from

In the past, this kind of technology was only available in a professional recording studio, but now anyone can use it through this app. Furthermore, the app comes with a library of many popular songs in many different genres. The point is, Starmaker allows you to express yourself.

Audio and video

Recording your voice is just half of the fun. You can also create a video of yourself as you sing, and you can edit this as well once the recording is done. The lighting effects in particular allow you to add atmosphere and drama to your video. You can decide to come across as dark and goth or light and sunshiny. It's all about who you are personally.

Not happy with the pitch? No problem, the app allows you to change it so that you sound just the way you want. Additionally, you can increase or decrease the tempo of the tune. After all, you might want to slow dance to a song or you might want to boogie!

This is an app that can be used by a professional recording artist to get their material out there in a way that is both fast and affordable. It's also ideal for people who aren't professional singers but who want to sound like they are.

Starmaker Interactive Inc.

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