This is an endless runner video game designed around the Indian superhero film Krrish 3.
This specific endless runner has you seeing how far you can go against an AI or other players. You can choosse to play as Krrish or several other characters from the titular film. The first character to reach the finish line wins and the game provides a helpful progress bar to let you know just how far into a given level you happen to be. Rather than just running straight ahead and weaving out of the way of obstacles, you can also perform long and double jumps, slides and run along walls to clear gaps and enemies. Of course, evasive is not always the answer when it comes to villains and this is where the, limited, number of gadgets or the slide attack come into play.
Completionists also have several crystals placed throughout each stage that may require multiple playthroughs to grab. While this game has infinite lives, every defeat means your opponent is getting further and further ahead of you.
Pros: A game based on Krrish 3.
Cons: A Google account is needed to log progress. Basic graphics and music. Few characters and stages.