Dream 11 is a free app that helps you play fantasy sports and gives you the chance to win money. Millions of people play fantasy sports every year at work or with their friends. While you can still play in real life, this Android app helps you turn your choices into real money to pay for games and anything else you want.
This app allows you to create a fantasy team and make bets on the outcome of different games. You can choose a sport such as football and then create your team. While you can't add every player you love, you can add some of your favorites. The app also shows you how you earn points after each game and offers some tips on how to create your dream team. You can go in before every game or match and make changes to your team. This comes in handy when players suffer injuries or change teams. Thanks to the live leaderboard, Dream 11 makes it easy to keep track of games as they happen. You can select the sport that interests you and view all upcoming matches. As the games happen, the app shows you the current score and the time left.
To make money in Dream 11, you need to pay some money first. The app asks you to pay a fee to build your dream team and pay other fees to enter contests each week. Though you can use the app without paying any money, you only have the chance to win cash when you pay to enter. Though Dream 11 has a focus on football and cricket, it connects you to other sports that you can keep an eye on too such as basketball and hockey. Dream 11 gives you 100 credits every week and assigns different points values to each player. You can fill out your team with players until you reach your 100 credit limit.
One of the big issues with this app is that it is not legal to use in all areas. Many states and regions have laws that ban online gambling. As you use real money to enter contests, this app is a form of gambling. You'll also have a hard time finding real people to compete against within the game, which is one of the reasons why so many players love fantasy sports. It does allow you to refer other players and get money when they sign up through you. Though Dream 11 won't replace your current fantasy sports leagues, it offers a new way to play and win cash.
- Gives you the chance to win money while playing fantasy sports
- Works on various devices and plaforms
- Lets you chat with other players through the app
- Easy to use
- Offers a twist on traditional fantasy sports
- Does not replace traditional fantasy leagues
- You have a hard time finding real people in the app
- Not legal in all areas due to the gambling aspect